Leszno dla Ukrainy

We help and integrate.

Information point for migrants, professional advice, language courses, humanitarian aid, training, and integration meetings.


We are a team

that work!

When Russia launched its open invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, we didn’t know each other. However, it quickly became clear that we wanted to help both the refugees arriving in Leszno and the people who remained in Ukraine. We started taking action. A month later, the LdU Foundation was established.




refugees we have helped

2 years

of continuous efforts

Why is it worth helping with us?

Where do your donations go?
Refugees can visit the information point for 4 hours a day to receive help with finding housing, employment, filling out documents, or translating CVs. We assist with enrolling children in school and getting sick individuals to a doctor. Volunteers work in bilingual or trilingual teams. We operate both offline and online.
Since the beginning of the war, we have been mediating in finding accommodation for refugees. We coordinate collections and distribute donations. We purchase food and offer vouchers for hot meals.
Our instructors teach refugees and migrants Polish and English every day. We offer classes at levels A1, A2, and B1, both free of charge and for a symbolic fee.
What are the rights and obligations in Poland? How to file PIT returns and start a business? How to make an appointment with a specialist doctor? Where to enroll a child in preschool and where to register for university? And how does the state Polish language exam work?Tego wszystkiego uchodźcy mogli się już dowiedzieć z realizowanych przez nas szkoleń, które odbywają się w każdym miesiącu.
A good society is an integrated society. We strive to help refugees integrate as seamlessly as possible with the people of Leszno. That's why we organize art workshops, activities for mothers with infants, cultural lectures, and literary meetings. With us, there’s never a dull moment!

Our strength is our volunteers! We are a Polish-Ukrainian team that is always ready to help!

Help for those in greatest need

We collect and distribute donations to the most vulnerable refugees—seniors, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. You can contribute something from yourself.

Meet at the Information Point.

Become our volunteer and work at the refugee information point! You’ll help newcomers find housing, assist older adults in setting up the mObywatel app, and explain to families where they can obtain scholarships and benefits.

Join the Facebook Group.

In the "Leszno dla Ukrainy" group, you'll find 10 000 people who are dedicated to helping our Ukrainian neighbors. Follow the threads and offer assistance when someone needs to transport a bed or find a bicycle. Be a good neighbor!

Join our

Facebook Group

Join the “Leszno dla Ukrainy” group and help spontaneously. When someone asks for assistance, you might be the right person to provide it!

Read about our initiatives and the people we help.