Who are we?
Learn more about the Leszno for Ukraine Foundation.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a crime against humanity and a violation of international treaties. Every person fleeing the war deserves protection, shelter, a hot meal, and psychological and legal support. We are committed to providing this to newcomers in Leszno. We also believe that a multicultural community is enriched by the exchange of experiences, and that every resident of Leszno and the surrounding areas has the right to equal treatment and access to their rights. We strive for a society free from prejudice and discrimination against other nationalities.
The LdU Foundation was established as a direct response to Russia's open attack on Ukraine in 2022. In March of that year, refugees began arriving in Leszno. The Foundation ensures that they experience a dignified life in Leszno. We assist in finding accommodation, provide humanitarian aid, and explain how to handle paperwork for staying in Poland. We also focus on integration through Polish language lessons, adaptation training, and integration meetings. Additionally, we provide information to the residents of Leszno about the situation of refugees and migrants, and work to counteract fake news and hate speech.